Sizolwethu Mobile Health

Urban Borehole Rehabilitation Project

Name of Project:

Borehole Rehabilitation Project


Donor Cosmos Alliance

Project timeline:

2017 - 2018

Project Overview:

Sizolwethu completed a borehole rehabilitation project in 2017/18 in which seven schools had their boreholes successfully rehabilitated. These schools had been struggling with their water and therefore the rehabilitation brought about a positive change. Some of the schools who had their boreholes fixed were able to start or revive their vegetable garden project as well as chickens’ projects so that they could have income generating and self-sustaining projects for themselves. Water storage tanks supplied to schools ensured a constant supply of clean water. Before the rehabilitation project, some of the schools struggled to keep their ablution blocks clean. The little water available was prioritized for drinking and the teachers' complexes. The rehabilitation, therefore, saw an improvement in cleaning of ablutions and the improved number of pupils practicing hand washing after the use of the toilet and before handling food. This saw a major decline in diarrheal cases previously reported.