Sizolwethu Mobile Health
As means of enhancing the effectiveness, sustainability and impact of the intervention as well as increasing the levels of participation of children, the programme aimed to establish School Health Clubs in each school. The Health Club are to be managed and led by the children with the health teacher’s assistance and will operate within the school (which is in the community); this will help to ensure the information acquired is cascaded to the community and as sustainable exit strategy for Sizolwethu Mobile Health. Each Health Club was designed to have a constitution, chairperson and a minimum of 30 student members. One of the main activities of the health club will be to continue training the school community on PHHE. The children will need guidance and oversight therefore the programme lobbies for school administration support and to make sure that headmasters and teachers in each school are fully engaged and participative in all PHHE health club initiatives and management.
My name is Sane Khumalo and I’m a grade 5 pupil at Nkenyane Primary school. Before the Sizolwethu team came to our school, I didn’t know and value the importance of washing my hands after using the toilet and before handling food. I used to think it was unnecessary and was only necessary if you had soiled them. We were taught about the 3F cycle of food, faeces and flies. The cycle demonstrated how we can transfer germs onto our food and hands and why it is always important to wash our hands and food all the time. A lot the students sometimes have diarrhea and now we understand how we contract it. Sizolwethu donated tapped buckets, which we now use to store and cover our drinking water. Im so glad they taught us the importance of washing hands and using clean and safe water