Sizolwethu Mobile Health

Giving kids a clean start

Name of Project:

Giving kids a clean start


Entrust Foundation, Lifestreams Church & Anonymous Donor

Project timeline:

2022- 2023

Project Goal:

Construction of child appropriate and child friendly pit latrines complimented by healthy habits hygiene promotion

The program aims to address the risk of sanitation and water-borne related diseases through the construction of child friendly pit latrines and conduct Participatory Health and Hygiene Education (PHHE), which will include the training of soap making using low cost material. 30 toilets in 15 schools will be constructed. The construction of the pit latrines will also eliminate open defecation, which in turn causes many health issues directly and indirectly.

1-week PHHE sessions in 15 schools in Bulilima District were conducted. The programme reached a cumulative total of 6712 learners, (3364 boys and 3348 girls). The learners were trained on health and hygiene through the Participatory Health and Hygiene Education model and soap making.

41 child friendly pit latrines were built in 20 schools.