Sizolwethu Mobile Health

Clean Water and Healthy Habits Project

Name of Project:

Clean Water and Healthy Habits Project


Entrust Foundation

Project timeline:

2021 - 2022


The programme reached a cumulative total of 3 183 learners, (1 547 boys and 1636 girls), the learners were trained on health and hygiene through the PHHE model. The table below gives a breakdown for both number of learners reached throughout the programme and the number of workbooks distributed in each school. The health trainer conducted pre training sessions with the teachers to ensure they understand and have an appreciation of the training package as well as a way of garnering for staff buy in and support. A cumulative total of 3297 workbooks were distributed in the 9 schools. Each school received extra workbooks for the health club.


  • Mobilise for 1week PHHE Training sessions in 9 schools in Bulilima District and Midlands Province
  • Conduct 1week PHHE sessions in 9 schools in Bulilima District and Midlands Province
  • Oversee PHHE workbook completion in 9 schools.
  • Strengthen/establish school health clubs in 9 schools.
  • Facilitate the filling in and marking of student workbooks for monitoring and evaluation.
  • Conduct an End of project Evaluation.