Sizolwethu Mobile Health

Food Security Garden Project

Name of Project:

Food Security Garden Project


Christmas Appeal

Project timeline:

December 2019 – June 2020

Project Overview:

2019 was an incredibly challenging year for most Zimbabweans. Sizolwethu saw a dramatic increase in the number of patients in our rural clinics due to a number of factors such as drought and superinflation amongst other things. Most families, especially rural families are failing to find or afford enough food to eat, which leads to widespread malnutrition and lots of other medical issues for especially the young children and elderly.

Goals/Activities for Period

  • To provide an irrigation system of wicking beds of 5 beds per school for 7 schools. This is a way of maximising vegetable production on raised beds. A Christian advocate for these wicking beds calls these 100 fold gardens which is a biblical reference to Jesus’ parable of the sower.
  • To provide hands-on practical training for both pupils and teachers on the development process as well as the management of these gardens Project Name Christmas Appeal – Food Security Garden Project Funding Partner Private Donors through Cosmos Healthcare Reporting Period December 2019 – June 2020 Areas of Operation Matabeleland South Province
  • To provide each school with garden tools that include wheelbarrow, picks, shovels etc
  • To ensure year-round supply of green leafy vegetables to be consumed by the pupils and teachers in the rural schools by proving seed and pesticides

Soap to Save Covid-19 Response Project

Name of Project:

Soap to Save Covid-19 Response Project

Project timeline:

April – August 2020

Activities Achieved

  • 28 boreholes rehabilitated
  • 900 bars of green soap have been distributed
  • 300 copies of IEC material have been distributed
  • 28 health education sessions have been provided