Regular Primary Mobile Clinical Outreaches
Funded and supported by
Mission Aid,
Jabar Foundation in Australia and multiple individuals
The outreach program offers mobile health services that provide clinical care and health
education to poor rural communities. It seeks to address the problem of poor access to
quality healthcare, isolation, high transport, and medical costs. The socio-economic
situation in Zimbabwe continues to depreciate thereby affecting basic human rights such as
healthcare. Our outreach programme therefore supplements and supports the limited and
stretched existing Ministry of health and child Welfare initiatives by addressing some of
the above-mentioned challenges and problems faced mainly by the poor rural and peri-urban
communities. Our goal is ultimately to improve wellbeing and save lives.
In this project we seek to address the Primary medical treatment of both acute and chronic
ailments as well as compliment that with health and hygiene education and promotion. The
target area in which we are working in has only two main government public hospitals, which
in themselves are dilapidated and have minimum resources to cater for the masses.
Our target is also of people in the squatter camps who most are immigrants and do not have
any identification documents which therefore makes it difficult for them to access any form
of healthcare within the system. The economic situation continues to affect service delivery
as health workers are continuously striking and or seeking employment in the private sector
or migrating to other countries. This results in brain drain and thus ultimately affecting
the people in desperate need of healthcare services.
Currently the government offers free immunisation, HIV/AIDS testing, TB screening etc. Our
role is to offer Primary Healthcare through the treatment of acute and chronic ailments. An
average of 550+ patients are seen per month. In order to strengthen service provision, we
are working on developing a project that will seek to empower Community Health Workers
Problems / Issues to be Addressed.
1. Lack of access to health facilities
Remoteness and high transport costs Most rural communities do not have nearby health
facilities. They have to walk long distances to travel to the nearest clinic or hospital.
2. High elderly population
The majority of the communities we visit are highly populated with the elderly who are left
with the responsibility of looking after grandchildren as their parents would have either
passed away due to HIV/AIDS or have migrated to neighbouring countries such as South Africa
in search of greener pastures. These elderly patients normally present with life threatening
chronic ailments such as diabetes and hypertension. These patients therefore are in need of
a constant supply of chronic medication or risk complications.
To improve health and wellbeing of isolated and poor selected communities
Objectives (medium term)
1. Increase in knowledge and retention
- Overtime the objective is increased knowledge as well as behavioural change.
2. Decrease in acute and chronic diseases
- Regular visits ensure proper adherence and management for chronic patients
- Reduction in reinfection of acute illnesses
Objectives (short term)